Last week I managed to finish Thorin's Company and Bilbo Baggins; and over the weekend I got Bolg and his Guard completed as well- all that remains is for my Oathmark Elves to arrive, and that will be the last contingent for my Battle of Five Armies project!
Some of you may have already seen Thorin's lads over on the Lead Adventure Forum, but for everyone else here are a few shots- I went for fully armed and armoured figures to represent them as they might have looked during the Battle, and I also multi-based them as I'm classing them as Elite Foot rules-wise (such units are traditionally 6 models strong, hence six bases!); I have plans for individually based figures in hoods and travelling gear in the future...
You might have noticed that every Dwarf also bears their 'hood colour' somewhere about their person, as noted in the Unexpected Party chapter of The Hobbit!
*Thorin (centre), Fili (L) and Kili (R) (all Oathmark).
*L-R: Dwalin, Balin. Dori and Nori (Oathmark and Conqueror Dark Age Dwarves).
*L-R: Bifur, Ori, Gloin, Oin (again, a mixture of Oathmark and Conqueror Dwarves).
*L-R: Bilbo, Bombur and Bofur (GW, Foundry Norse Dwarf and Oathmark again!).
Opposing our brave Company of Dwarves we have Bolg and his Guard- these are all Oathmark Goblins! Again, these will count as Elite Foot during the game.
*Couldn't resist staging this shot of Bolg's last moments!
"Er, pointing at him won't do us much good, Chief!.."
I'm itching to get on with actually playing a game now- I happen to be off work next week, so hopefully I can rattle through the Elves and have an AAR to share in the next couple of weeks!
Meanwhile, I have a pile of stuff ready and waiting for the next phase of my Middle Earth project- Late Romans/Romano-British to represent the battered defenders of Arnor, GW Warriors of the Dead for various Evil Spirits, and some Ancient Britons as the men of Carn Dum- throw in the Goblins I already have, and that should give me a good cross-section of the Legions of Angmar!
Inspiring stuff as always.