Poor punning aside, here follows an account of Herr Doktor Schreck and his warband of miserable miscreants as they stumble their way through another Frostgrave misadventure- this time, deep underground in the depths of the Breeding Pits...
The intention behind this game was to familiarise ourselves with the rules for fighting in a Dungeon set-up, so think of it as an experiment of sorts- though being a foolhardy bunch, we agreed that it would still count as a Campaign game.
We used a set of MDF tiles I had had custom-made by the talented folks at Warbases for another game-design project. This represented the tunnels of the Breeding Pits quite nicely!
*The Dungeon, before the warbands turned up. I think it needs a few more tiles to make a full-sized layout, but it will do for now!
A single Treasure was placed in a central spot (worth 50 Experience, but 2 rolls on the Treasure table), guarded by two Armoured Skeletons. The dungeon also contained a few scattered bookshelves and other furniture (from Mantic Game's Dungeon Saga- regrettably still unpainted!) that could be searched for gold pieces and a slight chance of either uncovering a Treasure or an angry Giant Rat!
*This particular Giant Rat really should have stayed hiding in those barrels...
Each Warband would also earn a Treasure automatically at the end of the game, just for taking part in the experiment.
The large doors would block line of sight while shut, and take an Action to open or close. Opposing models either side could try to hold one open or shut against their foes by means of an opposed Fight roll- highest total overpowered their rivals!
We decided that our warbands would come on piecemeal from their designated entrance zone, with up to 3 models entering each Turn in the appropriate Phase (so you could bring your Wizard and two friends on in the Wizard Phase, for example).
This meant that the more powerful warbands of Tony and Tom would therefore take a little longer to gather their full force, as opposed to the small, ragged bands of survivors commanded by myself, John and Andy.
The game itself went well, and we even got to see the new Trap rules come into play- my misshapen Goblin Thief, Dregg, narrowly avoided scampering into a patch of Caltrops while Andy's Treasure Hunter got stuck in a Time Slip for a Turn!
*Andy's Treasure Hunter (middle), seconds before triggering the Time Slip and spending his next Turn falling into eternity. In hindsight, he was probably better off staying in the void between realities...
Fighting in the cramped tunnels was a predictably bloody affair, and despite their unwieldy warband size Tony and Tom's better quality Soldiers (including their new Captains) were soon in their element!
*The warbands begin to converge- things are about to get very ugly, very fast!
Where the three underdogs should have rallied together and presented a united front, they instead seemed more interested in scrapping with each other and fighting a tug-of-war over control of the doors.
*Andy and John tustle for control of the door, while Tony's murder-squad creeps up on them from the north...
Doktor Schreck, down to one HP by this point, managed to negotiate a hasty truce with Tom's all-powerful Sigilist. Meanwhile, Tony caught Andy's mob (six models in all, and now led by his Apprentice after the death of his Wizard previously!) in an old crypt and massacred them to a man, before bursting in to the chamber where the remains of mine and John's Warbands had attempted to barricade themselves in. Schreck and his remaining leprous minions beat a hasty retreat through the lines of his Sigilist ally with the sounds of John's warband being murdered ringing in their ears as they fled up the tunnel.
*Schreck and his Goblins cower in the corner and try to look non-threatening as the Sigilists crash into John's stage-magician and his hapless underlings. In the next Turn, Tony's rampaging warband will come crashing through the door to the right, and the good Doktor will take that as his cue to make a run for it!
But it was not to be. At the last, the good Doktor was betrayed by his new-found friend- despite the Sigilist's claims that "I'm only here for the books!", he was battered to the ground personally by the treacherous librarian. The last words he heard before his betrayer's dagger sank between his ribs were "It's nothing personal... I just want the experience."
*Infamy! Infamy! They've all got it in for me! Doktor Schreck is cut down by his supposed ally as he attempts to make good his escape...
After the battle, the battered but loyal remnants of Schreck's warband managed to drag his body with them- thankfully he wasn't dead after all, just badly hurt! One of the Goblins even managed to find a Thunderstrike Javelin on the way out, which was promptly sold.
Next game, Igor my Apprentice gets to show his quality in command of the warband while his boss sits it out to plot vengeance upon Tom's Sigilists!
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